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This website brings our diverse past family records to the present for you to appreciate and hopefully share....


To move through the webpage, the families are grouped by name Downie, Furnell, Wise and CleaverDouble clicking on each name will give a drop down menu of contents. Click on the name and search the site.  When finished use the "Return to Top of Page" icon at bottom of page or the return arrow at top of page to return to main menu.


Geoff and have been previleged to be a keeper of a treasure trove of family memorabilia, photos, paper clippings and stories of the bygone era entrusted to us from our families past down through the generations.


For many years I have had a dream to share this historic collection with today's extended family, future generations and other interested people.  For too long the task daunted me until now.


We are grateful to the "hoarders" of the past who valued keeping and documenting this history and also for our personal discussions with older relatives who were generous in sharing their wealth of experiences and knowledge.


We especially acknowledge my Paternal Grandmother and Aunts and Geoff's Paternal Grandmother and Mother for their contributions and stories to make this possible.  We are also so very grateful for ongoing help and information provided by many other relatives and friends.


Whilst the challenge is huge and endless, our goal is to compile and hand on to future keepers a meaningful record using today's current technology.  We welcome suggestions and feedback especially if errors are noted.


For the younger generations this website is a passage of time that we hope will enlighten you about your distant forebears giving you an appreciation of their era, challenges and lifestyles before mobile phones, air conditioning, aeroplanes and in some cases before motor vehicles, electricity or any telecommunications.  


We encourage you to use every opportunity available to question your elders and learn about their life experiences; after all you are the future older generation and keeper of knowledge.


We have valued and been rewarded by understanding our forebears and we trust you will treasure "LikeWise".




Geoff and I cherish this rose named "Memory" given to us by a relative after our eldest son Richard died from a tragic push bike accident in June 2017 and Geoff's Mother, Nana died with a broken heart one week later.  
We feel it is very apt to make this beautiful rose flourishing in our garden the feature as in scrolling through the contents of this website each person may rekindle special memories and blossom new ones.
Treasure the memories.

Nov 2021

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