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Family History

History of photos, details and stories from the Wise and Cleaver family tree in chronological order.

1899 Name Place Details

Cleaver Family.jpeg

Thomas and Grace Cleaver and family 1916
Photo taken shortly before Harold left for overseas service.

Standing:  Dorothy (Dot McLeod), Harold, Thelma ( Thelma Diggs) Norman (Dot's twin)
Seated:  Eileen (Eil Wills) Thomas snr, John on lap, Grace (Grace Iliff) Grace snr Thomas jnr.
Joyce was born Sept 1917.  
At the time of her birth both Harold and Norman were both serving in the army overseas.

This photo was lost to this branch of the family for many years.  
When Joyce was 96 she was having an ulcer on her leg treated by a district nurse at home.  
In making conversation with the nurse Joyce asked where the young lady was from.  She responded a town in western NSW that possibly Joyce had not heard of.  As Joyce was very aware of most of western NSW she said tell me where.  A little town called Albert.  Oh said Nana, I have a cousin living there, her name is ?  The nurse looked up and said, "She is my Grandmother."  
Following this conversation the mother and aunt of the nurse visited nana with a couple of family treasures including this photo.  they said, "We know this is family but we don't know who. Nana responded.  "That is my family before I was born.  I remember it hanging in the house as a child.  
All family members now have a copy and it is greatly treasured as there are so few photos of the family and in particular Thomas and Grace.

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