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Jessie Menzies

Jessie Menzies Furnell 3.jpeg
Downie 62.jpeg

Jessie 8mths with her Dad Ernest Furnell

Jessie Menzies Furnell .jpeg

Jessie Furnell 8mths

Jessie Furnell 9mths.jpeg

Jessie Furnell 9mths.
Appears a lot of hair growth is short period between photos but can assume under 12 months old.

Albert 5yrs 9mths Jessie 3yrs.jpeg
Jessie Menzies Furnell  1.jpeg

Jessie as young girl.  Photos of Jessie show her love of her hair which was very long. Jessie wore her hair long for most of her life apart from a period whilst in her nursing training and in her older years.

Jessie 3yrs and Albert Furnell 5yrs 9mths

Albert 9 1_2, Jessie 7, George 4 yrs 9mths, Grace 2yrs 11 mths.  Nov 1917.jpeg

Seated:  Albert and Jessie Furnell
Standing:  Grace and George Furnell

Grace, Jessie & Evelyn Nov 1924.jpeg

Grace, Jessie and Evelyn Furnell

Jessie and Jack Manly Beach 2.jpeg

Jessie & Jack Furnell.  I think Jack is wearing a hand knitted swimsuit.
The beach inspector did not need a tape measure in those days.

Coolamon Public School 1.jpeg

Jessie Furnell, centre second row.
Coolamon Public School 1924

Coolamon Public School 3.jpeg

I think George is standing centre back and Jessie second back row standing with book in hand.
When looking closely many of the children are bare footed.

Jessie Menzies Furnell.jpeg

Beautiful portrait study of Jessie Furnell

Jessie Menzies Furnell 2.tiff
Jessie Menzies Furnell 1.jpeg

Jessie Furnell about 16yrs old

Albert and Jessie.jpeg

Albert and Jessie Furnell

Jessie Menzies Furnell 4.jpeg
Jessie, Grace & Mary.jpeg

Jessie, Grace and Mary Furnell

Grannie, Grandad, Jessie & Mary.jpeg

Ernest & Margaret Furnell with daughters Jessie & Mary

Jessie Furnell as a junior nurse at
War Memorial Hospital Waverly

Jessie, Grace, Evelyn & Mary.jpeg

Back:  Jessie and Evelyn Furnell
Front:  Mary and Grace Furnell

Mary, Grace, Evelyn & Jessie Furnell.jpeg

Standing:  Mary, Grace and Evelyn Furnell
Seated:  Jessie Furnell

Jessie Menzies Furnell.jpeg
Jessie Menzies Furnell 2.jpeg

Jessie Menzies Furnell

 Jessie with Grandpa.jpeg

Jessie with her Grandfather George Downie

Grannie Grandad Jessie.jpeg

Margaret, Ernest & Jessie Furnell

Jessie Grannie and Grandad.jpeg

Jessie with her parents Margaret & Ernest Furnell

grannie Jessie Aunt.jpeg

Margaret Furnell with her daughter Jessie & sister Mary Downie
Granny is wearing the brooch her son George, my Dad,  sent from Scotland during the war.

Auntie and Jessie 1971.jpeg

Jessie Furnell with her Aunt, Mary Downie 1971

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